PHYSICS - Department Information   
Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 4
Max.Program Time (Year) 6
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
About Programme
Physics department was established for educational activities (with 1 Assoc. Prof., 4 asistant proffessor and 3 research assistant) with decree law no.41 dated 20 June 1982 and Law no. 2809 dated 30 March 1982 which accepted the decree law with changes. However, our faculity? s name was changed to Science Faculity with the Council of Ministry desicion at 2011. Since then, our department as a Science Faculity Physics depertment has been carrying out its activities with 6 sub-branches which are named as Statistical Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, General Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Mathematical Physics and Nuclear Physics areas and 60 instructors(29 Professors, 14 Assoc. Prof., 12 Research Asisstant, 5 Lecturer). Physics department has undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs.
The Main Branch of Science
Prof.Dr. Bülent KUTLU
The Physics Department, which was established in 1982, continues to operate with Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs (Master's and Doctorate). Our department has eight departments: General Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Physics, and High Energy and Particle Physics.
Qualification Awarded
Students who complete the program earn a doctoral degree.
Admission Requirements
Having graduated from one of the master's degrees for which the Physics department has accepted the application for a doctorate. To get 70 and above points in the numerical field from Ales made by ÖSYM. To get a score of 55 or more, provided that it is certified by one of the exams accepted by the higher education institution. To have a graduate average of at least 2.50.
Higher Grade Transition
After obtaining the title of doctor in physics, if desired, they can have the title of Associate Professor if they meet the requirements of YÖK and pass the necessary steps.
Graduation Requirements
Doctorate program, for students accepted with a master's degree, provided that not less than 60 credits per academic term; It consists of a course that includes scientific research techniques and research and publication ethics, and at least eight courses including a seminar course, a minimum of 240 credits, including a qualification exam, a thesis preparation course and a thesis study. At the end of the course phase, it must pass the doctoral qualification. The thesis with a specified subject is written and if it is presented successfully, the student is graduated.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
They can work as experts at universities and various state and private organizations.
Assessment and Grading
Measurement and Evaluation
For each course taken, students are given a letter success grade at the end of the semester/year.
This grade is given by the instructor of the course.
While evaluating the letter grade, a student?s success at classes, mid-terms/final examinations and attendance to classes are considered. The calculation of the letter grade is determined by the approval of the related academic unit and the Senate.
The success grade of a student is calculated over 100 points. This grade is called raw success point.
A student whose raw success point is under 25.00 is directly given an FF grade and the student fails the course. The success grade of a student whose raw success point is 25.00 and above is evaluated by using the methods determined by the board decisions of the Educational Commission of the University and the Senate; with the letter grades of which coefficients and explanations are mentioned below. After this evaluation, it is also possible that the raw success points 25.00 and above may become FF letter grades.
Coefficients and letter success grades are evaluated as shown below:
AA (4.00), BA (3.50), BB (3.00), CB (2.50), CC (2.00), DC (1.50), DD (1.00), FD (0.50), FF (0.00).
The letter grades other than the ones in the clause ?a? are:
D: Did not Attend the Course
G: Did not Attend the Exam
E: Incomplete (The E grades which are not corrected until after 3 weeks from the finalization of letter success grades are converted to FF)
VZ: Withdrawn
A student whose letter success grade is (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) or (DD) is considered as succeeded the course. However, the CumGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the student must be at least 2,00 for graduation.