Program Time (Year)
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Internships Status
About Programme
Gazi University Intellectual Disability Graduate Program is one of the leading programs that train specialists in the field of education of individuals with disabilities in Turkey. In the two-years master's program, candidates receive training in the field of education of individuals with disabilities consisting of the skills and knowledge to cover the process from infancy to adulthood.Students graduate with the necessary knowledge and skills required for intellectual disability. The program provides education to students with the latest scientific developments in the field of education of visually impaired and individuals with multi disabilities, and educates experts who can individualize different assessment and teaching techniques in accordance with the needs of children, make team work and conduct scientific studies.
The introduction of systematic education services to children with disability in our country was carried out by the contributions of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mithat ENÇ in 1950s. In the academic year of 1953-1954, the Special Education Department was established within the scope of Gazi Education Institute in order to train instructors to provide systematic education and training services to children with disability. It is known that teachers are selected as students among those who have graduated from teacher schools that train teachers for primary school, that is, who have gained the right to be teacher and who work as teachers. Under the conditions of the former times, the schools and classes in which the children with disability were educated were at the primary school level and the graduates returned to primary school level schools after they had higher education, All of these were resulted in difficulties. The graduates were unable to provide education and training services to children with disability and brought additional problems to the bureaucracy. As the result of this situation, the department was closed. After 32 years, it was reopened as a Special Education Teaching Department within the Gazi Educational Sciences Department in order to train special education teachers within the Gazi Institute of Education, which was a faculty in 1986. The special education teacher training program of this department focuses on training teachers who will provide education and training services to children with disability. After the following two years, the program was reviewed and the teacher training program was updated. The Department had its first graduates in the 1990-1991 academic year. In 2014, within the scope of the regulation on the principles of teaching fields, appointment and course teaching made by the Board of Education and Discipline, the graduates of Teaching Department of the Chilldren with Mentally Disabled, Auditory Impaired and Visually Impaired undergraduate programs started to be appointed as "Special Education Teachers" and based on this, in 2015, the Council of Higher Education has decided to combine the undergraduate education given separately as Teaching of Mentally Disabled, Auditory Impaired, Visually Impaired and Gifted/Talented Children as a new undergraduate program under the name of "Special Education Teaching". In our department, the Teaching Department of Mentally Disabled, Visually Impaired and Gifted Children are still in progress, and the special education teaching department received its first students in the 2016-2017 academic year.
Qualification Awarded
The Master's Degree in student with intellectual disabilites.
Admission Requirements
General admission requirements stated under Info on the Institution on this website are being applied to start this programme.
Higher Grade Transition
Students who complete the program requirements successfully may apply to the doctoral program in special education.
Graduation Requirements
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meeting a minimum of 120 ECTS credit.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Students who complete the program requirements successfully may work as professionals in the erea of education of children with special needs in government and private schools and institutions.
Assessment and Grading
Measurement and Evaluation (1) Students take the final exam and/or the final project in addition to the mid-term exams and/or mid-term studies. Examination calendar is published on the website of the related academic department. (2) The success of the students is evaluated with the methods and criteria which are stated on the course description forms that are declared at the beginning of semester. (3) Students are obliged to succeed in must courses. They can reselect a failed elective course or select another elective instead. (4) Mid-term exams and/or mid-term studies and final exam and/or the final project are evaluated over 100 raw points. Letter success grades over 100 raw points are given for seminars, thesis studies, term project courses and proficiency exams. To succeed in courses, the minimum letter success grades must be CC for master?s degree and CB for doctorate and integrated (post bachelor) doctorate. (5) A student whose raw point is under 25 fails the course by receiving an (FF) grade directly. The success grade of a student whose raw point is 25 or above is evaluated with the grades of which coefficients and definitions are stated below considering the general status of the class, average points and statistical range. After this evaluation, it is possible for the letter success grade equivalents of raw points that are 25 and above to be (FF). (6) Coefficients and letter success grades are evaluated as shown below: a) Coefficients Letter Success Grades 4.00 AA 3.50 BA 3.00 BB 2.50 CB 2.00 CC 1.50 DC 1.00 DD 0.50 FD 0.00 FF
b) The letter grades other than the ones in the clause ?a? are:
1) D: Absent 2) G: Not attended 3) E: Incomplete (The E grades which are not corrected until after 3 weeks from the finalization of letter success grades are converted to FF) (7) The CumGPA is calculated via dividing the final grades of all of the courses throughout a student?s study period by the total number of credits. The obtained CumGPA is shown with two decimals after the point. (8) While calculating both the GPAs of semesters/years and the CumGPA, the letters grades from AA to FF are based on. G and D grades are processed as FF. (9) All grades are included in the transcripts of students. (10) For graduation, the CumGPA must be 2,50/4,00 minimum for master?s degree with or without thesis; 3,00/4,00 minimum for doctorate or integrated (post bachelor) doctorate programmes. Despite completing all the credits, students who cannot provide the graduation conditions take new courses to do so. (11) Students who do not provide the attendance conditions or other course requirements cannot take the final exam of the course and are regarded as absent (D).