Program Time (Year)
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Internships Status
About Programme
Elementary mathematics education is opened in 1998 as a department in Gazi University. Medium of instruction in elementary mathematics department is Turkish and study period in this department is 4 years. The department does not include evening education program and preparation program. In the program, field information courses, professional teaching knowledge courses, general knowledge courses and practice courses are included. Courses are conducted as theoratical and practical. Graduates who completes the program by performing its all requirements (against total 240 ECTS) takes the bachelor degree of elementary mathematics teacher. candidates who successfully completes the program will continue to graduate programs on mathematics education or connected fields under the condition that they get a valid mark on ALES examination and having a sufficient level of english. by the 2012-2013 education year, approximately 700 students are receive education at the department and 21 instructors (1 professor, 3 assoc. proffesors, 6 assist. professors, 2 teaching assistants and 10 research assistants) are lecturing at the department. By the 2011-2012 education year, 2nd elementary exposition was organised. During the expositon various materials are exhibited. Besides, each year Pi Day is being celebrated on 14th of March. In additon to this exhibiton of "figure trading and ability" is being organised. Conversations are being conducted by precious mathematicians betimes.
The Main Branch of Science
Gazi Faculty of Education, which has been operating since 1926, started to provide 4-year undergraduate education in 1982. Elementary Mathematics Education was opened in 1998 as a department. The language of instruction of the Primary School Mathematics Education Department is Turkish and the education period is 4 years. There is no evening education program and preparatory program in Primary Education Department of Mathematics Education. The program includes subject knowledge, teaching profession knowledge, general culture and practice lessons. Courses are carried out theoretically and practically. Graduates who successfully complete the program by fulfilling all requirements (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS) receive a "Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education Mathematics Education".
Qualification Awarded
First Cycle (Bachelor's) Degree
Admission Requirements
For Turkish Citizens: (1) High School Diploma, (2) Placement through a centralised, nation-wide student selection and placement examination organized by Assessment, Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM). Candidates gain access to the programmes based on their composite scores consisting of the scores on the centralized exam and high school grade point averages.
For International Students: (1) High School Diploma and its "Certificate of Equivalency" granted by the Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE). (2) Exam for international university entrance examinations such as SAT I, ACT, etc., recognised by the national authority in higher education, the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). Candidates gain access to the programmes based on their scores obtained from equivalent exams.
Higher Grade Transition
Upon successful completion of this programme, students may apply to second cycle degree or directly to integrated third cycle (doctorate) programmes.
Graduation Requirements
Bachelor's level is 4 years
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
This degree enables the graduate to exercise his/her profession in the field of primary mathematics education as a teacher in accordance with the national regulations and practices.
Assessment and Grading
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading Measurement and Evaluation (1) For each course taken, students are given a letter success grade at the end of the semester/year. (2) This grade is given by the instructor of the course. (3) While evaluating the letter grade, a student?s success at classes, mid-terms/final examinations and attendance to classes are considered. The calculation of the letter grade is determined by the approval of the related academic unit and the Senate. (4) The success grade of a student is calculated over 100 points. This grade is called raw success point. (5) A student whose raw success point is under 25.00 is directly given an FF grade and the student fails the course. The success grade of a student whose raw success point is 25.00 and above is evaluated by using the methods determined by the board decisions of the Educational Commission of the University and the Senate; with the letter grades of which coefficients and explanations are mentioned below. After this evaluation, it is also possible that the raw success points 25.00 and above may become FF letter grades. (6) Coefficients and letter success grades are evaluated as shown below: a) Coefficients Letter Success Grades 4.00 AA 3.50 BA 3.00 BB 2.50 CB 2.00 CC 1.50 DC 1.00 DD 0.50 FD 0.00 FF
b) The letter grades other than the ones in the clause ?a? are: 1) D: Did not Attend the Course 2) G: Did not Attend the Exam 3) E: Incomplete (The E grades which are not corrected until after 3 weeks from the finalization of letter success grades are converted to FF) 4) VZ: Withdrawn
(7) A student whose letter success grade is (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) or (DD) is considered as succeeded the course. However, the CumGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the student must be at least 2,00 for graduation.