Program Time (Year)
Max.Program Time (Year)
Program Quota
Internships Status
About Programme
Student admission to our PathologyLaboratory Techniques program started for the first time in the 2012-2013 academic year. The program provides education with 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professors and 1 lecturer. The purpose of the Pathology Laboratory Techniques Program is to prepare the body tissues and / or fluids for microscopic examination, to make the necessary administrative and technical preparations and inspections before, during and after the examination, to recognize and solve the problems that arise, to use eye and hand skills well. to train qualified technicians. The education period of the program is 2 years. While the theoretical and some of the applied courses of the program are held within the School, internships and other applications are carried out at G.Ü. It is carried out in the Faculty of Medicine and in the appropriate Pathology Laboratories.
PROG. Director
Prof.Dr. Hayriye Gökçen ÇETİNKAYA
Section Director
Asist Prof.Dr. Fatma KARTAL ERSOY
Student admission to our Pathology Laboratory Techniques program started for the first time in the 2012-2013 academic year. The program provides education with 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professors and 1 lecturer.
Qualification Awarded
Those who have completed their two years education and graduated with an associate degree are awarded the title of Pathology technician.
Admission Requirements
Pathology Laboratory Techniques Program accepts students with the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (OSYM) or with the passage of students who graduate from the relevant Vocational High Schools without an examination.
Higher Grade Transition
Those who have successfully completed the programme, if are successful in the vertical transfer examination (DGS) conducted by OSYM; make vertical transfer to Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering, Bioengineering, Nursing, Nursing and Health Services programmes.
Graduation Requirements
A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meeting a minimum of 120 ECTS credits requirement and have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates of the program; They can work in Pathology Laboratories of Public and Private Hospitals, Private Pathology Laboratories, Faculty of Medicine Histology Laboratories and Forensic Medicine Institution, Molecular Pathology and Cytogenetics Laboratories.
Assessment and Grading
In Health Services Vocational School, the success of the student in the courses is determined by evaluating the semester grades together with the final exam grade. Semester grades consist of midterm grade and grades given to homework, practices and practical studies depending on the course.(1) For each course taken, students are given a letter success grade at the end of the semester/year. (2) This grade is given by the instructor of the course. (3) While evaluating the letter grade, a student?s success at classes, mid-terms/final examinations and attendance to classes are considered. The calculation of the letter grade is determined by the approval of the related academic unit and the Senate. (4) The success grade of a student is calculated over 100 points. This grade is called raw success point. (5) A student whose raw success point is under 25.00 is directly given an FF grade and the student fails the course. The success grade of a student whose raw success point is 25.00 and above is evaluated by using the methods determined by the board decisions of the Educational Commission of the University and the Senate; with the letter grades of which coefficients and explanations are mentioned below. After this evaluation, it is also possible that the raw success points 25.00 and above may become FF letter grades. (6) Coefficients and letter success grades are evaluated as shown below: a) Coefficients Letter Success Grades 4.00 AA 3.50 BA 3.00 BB 2.50 CB 2.00 CC 1.50 DC 1.00 DD 0.50 FD 0.00 FF
b) The letter grades other than the ones in the clause ?a? are: 1) D: Did not Attend the Course 2) G: Did not Attend the Exam 3) E: Incomplete (The E grades which are not corrected until after 3 weeks from the finalization of letter success grades are converted to FF) 4) VZ: Withdrawn (7) A student whose letter success grade is (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) or (DD) is considered as succeeded the course. However, the CumGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the student must be at least 2,00 for graduation.