Nutrition and Dietetic - Department Information   
Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 4
Max.Program Time (Year) 7
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
.Graduate Degree
About Programme
Programme Information
Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics established in 2008. Currently it is an institution which gives the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level education. The department of education, research and consultancy activities carried out within the framework of four main branches of science: nutritional sciences, dietetics, and community nutrition and food service systems. To carrying out these activities specialized training staff and training and research laboratories are important. Department was received first graduate students in 2009-2010 and first graduate-doctoral students in 2011-2012 academic year. Students are preferred our department firstly in the selection and placement exam of university and  the department successfully continues its studies in education, research and consultancy with its teaching staff and technical equipment. Also, the education program of our department was accredited for 5 years in 2010 by the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Health Sciences Education Programs (SABAK).
PROG. Director
Prof.Dr. Saniye BİLİCİ
Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 14.07.2008 and numbered 2008/13928. The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, which was established simultaneously with the faculty, received its first undergraduate students in the 2009-2010 academic year and gave its first graduates in 2013.
Qualification Awarded
Admission Requirements
General admission requirements for Turkish and foreign students apply to start the program.
Higher Grade Transition
The graduates holding Bachelor's Degree are eligible to apply to Master's Degree programmes at national level and /or international level both in the same and in related disciplines
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate, students succeed all courses in eight semesters need to be completed at least 240 ECTS and It is required to meet the conditions stated in Gazi University Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations published in the Official Gazette dated 05.09.2017 and numbered 30171.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates can work as a clinical dietician or administrative dietician in hospitals, as an executive dietician or community health dietician in various public institutions and organizations, in the food industry, in individual diet consultancy and training centers and / or can be employed as academicians.
Assessment and Grading
Measurement and Evaluation
(1) For each course taken, students are given a letter success grade at the end of the semester/year.
(2) This grade is given by the instructor of the course.
(3) While evaluating the letter grade, the student's success in midterm exam, semester / year-end exam, mid-term studies and attendance to lessons and practices are taken into consideration. The calculation of the letter grade is determined by the approval of the related academic unit and the Senate.
(4) The success grade of a student is calculated over 100 points. This grade is called raw success point.
(5) A student whose raw success point is under 25.00 is directly given an FF grade and the student fails the course. The success grade of a student whose raw success point is 25.00 and above is evaluated by using the methods determined by the board decisions of the Educational Commission of the University and the Senate; with the letter grades of which coefficients and explanations are mentioned below. After this evaluation, it is also possible that the raw success points 25.00 and above may become FF letter grades.
(6) Coefficients and letter success grades are evaluated as shown below:
Coefficients Letter Success Grades
4.00 AA
3.50 BA
3.00 BB
2.50 CB
2.00 CC
1.50 DC
1.00 DD
0.50 FD
0.00 FF

b) The letter grades other than the ones in the clause ?a? are:
1) D: Did not Attend the Course
2) G: Did not Attend the Exam
3) E: Incomplete (The E grades which are not corrected until after 3 weeks from the finalization of letter success grades are converted to FF)
4) VZ: Withdrawn
(7) A student whose letter success grade is (AA), (BA), (BB), (CB), (CC), (DC) or (DD) is considered as succeeded the course. However, the CumGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of the student must be at least 2,00 for graduation.